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Letter: AM Migration Is Still a Good Idea?

July 17, 2020 12:22PM
Lower FM band still offers the simplest solution to revitalize AM stations? I beg to differer, but... [www.radioworld.com]

My idea would be to dump more translators and LPFM's down there. BTW, there is still a VHF TV CH5 from Clarksburg, WV, [www.stationindex.com] And, that CH5 is not a virtual CH5. BTW, whomever came up with the idea of 'virtual channels', and even worst approved of them, seriously needs their heads examined. Oh yeah... One final contemplation here, there are still the so-called Franken FM, LPTV CH6's, still around, but the FCC wants them gone, so their days are numbered.
Subject Author Views Posted

Letter: AM Migration Is Still a Good Idea?

ThaDood 822 July 17, 2020 12:22PM

Re: Letter: AM Migration Is Still a Good Idea?

Radio Animal 689 August 03, 2020 09:11PM

Re: Letter: AM Migration Is Still a Good Idea?

ThaDood 569 August 04, 2020 01:11PM

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