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Free Radio Weekly #1404

February 18, 2023 11:33AM
Free Radio Weekly # 1404 – February 18, 2023

Covering Free Radio Activity from Feb 11 – Feb 17

Saturdays at 0000 UTC (Friday night in North America

Happy President Day !

Editor This Week: Dave Turnick


Harold Frodge (99crawdads@gmail.com)

David Turnick (caodwolf@gmail.com)

Larry Will (radio@zappahead.net)

Send your logs to all editors in case of editor changes.

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Free Radio Weekly is an e-mail only newsletter devoted to the hobby of listening to Pirates and distributed free to those who contribute.


-Larry Will: Mount Airy, Maryland
Icom IC-R75 and various wires

-Chris Gay, KY

-William Hassig, williamhassig@yahoo.com

-Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684 Enid OK 73702 wghauser@yahoo.com
NRD-545 with ALA-330S, IC-R75, PL-880, random wires

-Harold Frodge, 5525 Whitehall St., Midland MI 48642
Drake R8B + 185' RW GMC car radio for FMBC

-Ron HUNSICKER, 1238 Cleveland Avenue,Wyomissing, PA 19610 ronhunsi at ptd dot net

All Times UTC


WTF Radio

2/11, 2314, 6960am. Music, School by Supertramp. ID at 2318, "do what you gotta do, WTF radio worldwide" and back into music, Sister Moonshine by Supertramp. Very good sound and signal, solid s9. (Will-MD)

WTF Radio, 6960 am, 2-11-23, 2312utc on Barrington Hills IL sdr with fair S7-S9 signal, said "WTF Radio", harmonica music then singing, at 2350 Westminster chimes then a few seconds of Winston Churchill saying "we will never give up", more pop music. (Hassig-IL)

WTF Radio Worldwide 6960AM 11 February 2023 2310-2321 and 0009 WTF’s carrier appeared right after Dick Weed left the stage and was 40 dB above the noise. ID at 2314 and chat about the music. Checked back at 0009 and the program appeared to be continuing. (45443, Hunsicker, PA)


6925 USB, 2-17-23, 2209-2251 UT. OM DJ announced running 400 watts which was armchair copy with good quality audio in central Kentucky. Music by Laid Back, Roy Orbison, John Anderson, The Archies and many more. Took requests from the HFU Discord server. Sometimes heard barking dogs in the background. (Gay-KY).

PIG KNUCKLE RADIO; 6925/U, 0217-0235+, 2/14; Rockabilly, classic rock, C&W; “Here piggy piggy piggy” repeated; QSO? After request offer via HFU. 0232:33 “Hey Pig Knuckle”. SIO=353+ (Frodge-MI)

Pigs Knuckles 6925USB 16 February 2023 2307-2335* Tuned into Seminole Wind with BC over a band of noise. The announcer had a very nasal voice. ID at 2335. Midnight Rider, Allman Brothers, two versions of the Lion Sleeps Tonight, and other music. 3000 Hz seemed too narrow for the music. Wishes listeners good night and bye-bye before sign-off. (45444, Hunsicker, PA)

Wolverine Radio

4015 usb, 2-12-23, 0102 utc on Brookfield WI sdr with good S9 to S9+10 signal, s-on with "testing 1 2 3 can anybody hear me?" then old 78 rpm record, possibly acoustically recorded, with song sung by woman, big band swing tune "I'll never say never again again", Billie Holiday "now or never", nice variety of tunes with the word "never" in them, at 0131 switched to Traverse City MI sdr with better S9+10 to S9+20 signal, at 0203 echo ID then SSTV/FAX, thanks for the excellent broadcast. (Hassig-IL)

Thunder Chicken Radio

6950 usb, 2-11-23, in at 2241 UTC on Barrington Hills IL sdr with fair S7-S9 signal, electronic music. (Hassig-IL)


925 am, 2-11-23, 2222 utc on Brookfield WI sdr with fair S9 signal, electronic music, WAVE ID, soft pop music sung by male, at 0248 WAVE ID by female, also said "ride the wave", carrier off at 2253 utc, thanks for the nice music. (Hassig-IL)

WAVE RADIO: 2208-2210+, 2/11; Pop music!!!; female, lady woman ID, “WAVE Radio”, Ride the wave”. SIO=3+53+ Yes, 9925 is correct. Nothing at this time in Aoki/EiBi (Frodge-MI)

WAVE Radio 6925AM 11 February 2023 2231-2253* Tuned in to a broadcast in progress at 7000 Hz. ID by YL at 2248 and “Ride the Wave.” London by Downtown, and Like a Dead Man Walking. 40 dB over the noise. (45444, Hunsicker, PA)

Ball Smacker Radio

4030 am, 2-11-23, 0215 utc on Traverse City sdr with fair S9+10 to S9+20+ signal, nice variety of songs with the word "three" in them, Ballsmacker ID, ballad "two out of three ain't bad", later, played tunes by bands with the word "three" in their names such as 3 dog night, at 0340 SSTV/FAX, piano IS then carrier off at 0343, thanks for the program. (Hassig-IL)

Two Dog Radio

6930 usb, 2-11-23, 0131 UTC on Barrington Hills IL sdr with fair S7 signal, heavy metal music. (Hassig-IL)

Two Dog Radio 6930USB 11 February 2023 0124-0332* First, tones, and odd noises and then music started at 0127. 2800 Hz fit well. Blues and some rock. Two Dog played “Sultans of Swing,” which I love! IDs at 0133, 0213, 0237, 0319, and 0332. (35343, Hunsicker, PA)

Wasteland Radio

6949 usb, 2-11-23, 0023 UTC on Barrington Hills IL sdr with poor/weak S5 to S7 signal, heavy metal rock music. (Hassig-IL)

Wasteland Radio 6949USB 11 February 2023 0000-0107* Program began with some ethereal music. SSTV at 0019, 0020, 0043, and 0048 in Scottie 2 and a final SSTV image, in B/W 8 at 0106. There were also odd noises and odd stuff in the waterfall at 0103 which are explained below. (25353, Hunsicker, PA)

Radio Free Whatever

6955 usb, 2-10/11-23, 2334 UTC on Barrington Hills IL sdr with fair S9 signal, wideband signal, I'm using IQ setting, rock music, at 2239 RFW ID and foghorn sound. (Hassig-IL)

6955 USB, Feb 4 at 2152 and 2228 recheck, pirate music, S4/S6 direct. Many reports here between 2043 and 2340: [www.hfunderground.com] as Radio Free, Whatever. Earlier than I usually check or expect to hear any pirates below 7 MHz (Glenn Hauser, OK)

Radio Free Whatever 6955USB 10 February 2023 2307-0145* The program and some music started at 2307 and Dick IDed at 2309. First cut was Violet Saturn singing “All the Cool Kids.” 5000 Hz was a good fit. Regular IDs and information about the music. Started to face about 0117. At its best, it was 45454. (Hunsicker, PA)

6960SUSB 11 February 2023 2307-2309* The regular RFW grand opening music, Dick chats about being on two days in a row, and then Dick observes popping and crackling and then shuts it down to see what is amiss. (Hunsicker, PA)


9925/U, 2213-2218+, 2/13; Pop & disco ditties; ID@2215:50 “You’re listening to Radio 48”. SIO=454 Yes, 9925 is correct. (Frodge-MI)

High Lift Radio

Presumed 6930USB 11 February 2023 0342-0403* IDs, often repeated, by a YL at 0351 and 0401. These old ears—tinnitus and general loss of hearing—are really convinced that she said, “High Lift Radio.” The program appeared to start at 0342 with bubbling sounds, odd noises, and odd sounds from musical instruments. Then, some Blues and a close with some bouncy music. (25342, Hunsicker, PA)

Ion Radio

6955AM 16 February 2023 2209-2252* Classical music with a long celeste (?) piece. ID at 2209, 2210, 2211, 2218, 2232, 2252, and other times. Sketch: And on the 364th day, God invented the DJ. 10,000 Hz bandwidth was a nice fit. (45454, Hunsicker, PA)

Outhouse Radio

6935USB 11 February 2023 0215-0259* The program and the music started at 0215—right on top of a band of noise (that was reported by others on the HFU, so not just a ‘beautiful day in my neighborhood’). Played “Sultans of Swing;” love that song. 2800 Hz might have been the right fit, but, because of the noise, 2600 sounded better. SSTV in Scottie 2 at 0235 and IDs at 0223, 0236, and 0258. (25443, Hunsicker, PA)

6959.895 AM, Feb 5 at 0341, Mexmx S7/S8 into Utah SDR; checked after many reports in the WOR iog. And ID at 0424 as ``ésta es la Zanahoria en Escabeche`` which means ``spicy pickled carrots`` as had been heard two+ years ago. Ron Howard and I heard it Nov 25, 2020 on 6924.884 and I copied the CW and voice IDs. More new reports: [www.hfunderground.com] (Glenn Hauser, OK)


9025 AM, Feb 15 at 1632 in routine bandscan, surprised to encounter President John F. Kennedy`s inaugural address, one of the great speeches of history, mentions ``first 100 days`` and immortal phrases like ``let us never fear to negotiate``, but cut off air abruptly at 1636.6*. Sounds like could be a regular broadcast transmitter, and S9/S6, even stronger than 9395 WRMI at S5/S6. I soon find that this has been previously reported almost exactly one year ago on Feb 18, 2022, suspected of being US military rather than a pirate:
[www.hfunderground.com] (Glenn Hauser, OK)

6950/U, 2240-2300+, 2/11; Techno/Electro ditties; voice-overs uncopiable; ABOXPG (?) repeated SIO=3+54- (Frodge-MI)

9420/U, 1457-1513:38*, 2/12; Male talking about circumcision, foreskin, etc.; 1502 new male w/more on circumcision. 1513 voice off into trill--some sort of digithingy? & off, but strong hum continued. SINPO=33444- w/hum QRM (Frodge-MI)

6925/U, 0404-0419+, 2/13; Pop music w/pixie-voiced announcer; One ID sounded like CC Radio & another like PP Radio. SIO=343 w/LSB irate QRM. (Frodge-MI)

6925/L, 0413-0420+, 2/13; Folksy & rock ditties. SI=3+53+ (Frodge-MI)

6950/U, 2032-2045+, 2/16; C&W ditties without the courtesy of a voice ID; 2042:58-2044:53 SSTV into more C&W. SIO=2+53 (Frodge-MI)

2/11, 2313, 6950usb. Strange, electronic sounds, avant-garde music. Solid s9, very good. (Will-MD)



7399.988, Feb 16 at 0424, music at S7 into UTwente SDR; by 0513 it`s 7399.992. This had been quite a mystery for a few hours in the WOR iog. 7400 is a frequency `reserved` in HFCC for IRDR = International Radio for Disaster Relief, with Vatican site as placeholder like one other frequency in each band, possibly explaining why V of Turkey has shown up on 5910 and 9430? Hardly any announcements on 7400 but music recognized as Brazilian, and finally IDs heard as R Antares, which is a pirate in Pará state (Glenn Hauser,OK)

7399.918, Feb 17 at 0723, S7 direct with music, presumed R. Antares with a better signal than last night, but further below 7400, the pirate in Pará, as reported by many others. Ron Howard found this almost hour-long recording of it via Brasília SDR, Feb 10: [www.youtube.com] (Glenn Hauser, OK)

RADIO ANTARES (Brasil): 7399.92/AM, 0517-0540+, 2/17; Tropical music fighting QRN w/peaks to S6; DA 0525:20-0527:40 & back with light pop tunes. ID per Gary Pence post on Hauser’s site. (Frodge-MI)


None reported


Outhouse Radio (Hunsicker, PA)

Wasteland Radio (Hunsicker, PA)

Electronic Mail Addresses for stations

73’s & good hunting…

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Free Radio Weekly #1404

cosmikdebris 241 February 18, 2023 11:33AM

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