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Free Radio Weekly #1412

April 14, 2023 07:05PM
Free Radio Weekly #1412, Saturday, April 15, 2023
Covering free radio activity from April 8-14, 2023

The Free Radio Weekly (FRW) is an internet newsletter devoted to the hobby of listening to free radio "pirate" broadcasters in the shortwave radio bands. The FRW is produced by the free radio community and distributed to those who contribute.

The weekly deadline is Saturdays at 0000 UTC (Friday night in North America). Please send your logs to all the editors, as our editing schedule is subject to last minute changes. Thank you for your inpoots!

== FRW editors ==

Harold Frodge (99crawdads@gmail.com)
Dave Turnick (caodwolf@gmail.com)
Larry Will (radio@zappahead.net)

FRW 1412 - April 15 - Larry
FRW 1413 - April 22 - Dave
FRW 1414 - April 29 - Harold

== Contributors ==

William Hassig

Glenn Hauser
P O Box 1684
Enid OK 73702
P- or E-QSLs welcomed
NRD-545 with ALA-330S, IC-R75, PL-880, random wires

Ron Hunsicker
1238 Cleveland Avenue
Wyomissing, PA 19610-2102
ronhunsi at ptd dot net

Edward Kusalik
Alberta, Canada

Larry Will
Mount Airy, MD
Tecsun PL-990X, Tecsun PL-880, various wires

== From our contributors ==

Note: A number of Pirates send, strange, to me, images in the IF waterfall. After the Easter Egg Roll Radio broadcast, I realized that many seem to be in QAM. Some are very large; Zeeky sent one that required about four minutes to send. Can any of our leaned correspondents suggest freeware to decode these images? (Hunsicker, PA)

== North American shortwave ==

** Ballsmacker Radio

4/8, 0057-0257*, 6960am. The carrier appeared at 0057, then the IS for Ballsmacker, then an ID by a YL. Madonna started the show. 7000 Hz seemed okay. At 0231, announced a Friday night program at 9 p.m. Old rock. Engaging show. 40 dB over the noise. (45344, Hunsicker, PA)

** Crapola Shortwave Radio

4/10, 0001, 6915usb. Rock music S9/+10. 0007 ``What condition my condition was in``; interspersed with W&M voice dialogs, 0007 about paying for transmitter; new sponsor: LifeAlert, faux commercial ``I`ve fallen and can`t get up``, vs autophone reply, your waiting time is: 4 hours, etc. Haha. ``You are listening to Crapola Radio, shortwave pirate, all free, all the time. 0012 music. 0014 ``Brain Brothers shortwave radio net``, more faux ads. Off at 0027* already. Tnx to advance tip of upcoming broadcast on the WOR iog. Pse QSL? Many more reports here with more details: [www.hfunderground.com] (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

4/10, 0015-0027*, 6925usb. Program in progress. Judy in Disguise in Glasses. ID for the Brain Brothers Pirate Radio Network. OM and YL talk about his law and dentistry degrees, then a car warranty. (45454, Hunsicker, PA)

** Easter Egg Roll Radio

4/9, 2330-0015*, 6933usb. Program in progress with Zeeky chatting. Nice mix of music. 4000 Hz helped with listenability. A number of waterfall images, including what was said to be Zeeky’s wife. Also, QAM images that I could not decode. (35343, Hunsicker, PA)

** Good Times Radio

4/13, 2001, 6925am. Music, Eye of the Tiger by Survivor. Danger Zone at 2005, Hooked On a Feeling at 2009, Happy by Pharrell Williams at 2012, open carrier at 2015, off at 2017. hfu posts say this was Good Times Radio but I heard no ID. 25 dBu, very good signal and sound. (Will-MD)

** KIPM (Outhouse Radio relay)

4/8, 0234-0445*, 6925usb. The show started with music and then an ID. And then Maxwell’s mind went off on one of his excursions. (25342, Hunsicker, PA)

** KIPM (Undercover Radio Relay)

4/8, 2316, 6935usb. KIPM relay via Undercover Radio, on Barrington Hills IL sdr with fair/poor S7 to S9 signal, mournful music with male talking, can't understand what he is saying, at 2321 utc switched to Brookfield WI sdr with cleaner S9+ signal, can hear what is being said, Alan Maxwell talked about being uneasy visiting the circus, at 2350 Alan Maxwell said program was "dark tide" then Outer Limits theme, piano played fairly well by amateur musician, wolf howling, somebody talking in French, thanks for the nice program. (Hassig-IL)

4/9, 0114, 6930usb. KIPM relay by Undercover Radio, on Brookfield WI sdr with fair/good S9 to S9+10 signal, wideband signal, I'm using IQ setting on the sdr for good fidelity, Dr. Benway announcing then Alan Maxwell doing program, "the selectors are locked, the channel is centered" from Outer Limits TV program "galaxy being", repeat of earlier 6935 am broadcast from 2234 utc to 2400. (Hassig-IL)

** Purple Nucleus of Creation

4/7, 2117-2124*, 6935usb. Program in progress. Music, then and ID and email address and more music and gone. (Hunsicker, PA)

** Radio Vostochnaya Zvezda

4/6, 0644, 7320am. Music at S5/S7, presumed SWc USA, NV? pirate R. Vostochnaya Zvezda (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

4/7, 0642, 7320am. Russian song, S8/S9, R. Vostochnaya Zvezda pirate (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

4/8, 0611, 7320am. Rock song with heavy disco beat, YL singer, not sure of language, S9 from R. Vostochnaya Zvezda, pirate in SW USA, quite regular now (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** 77LJS

4/14, 1913, 6925usb. A man talking about disinformation, forged documents, and the KGB; how the KGB uses such things. Good signal, 20 dBu. (Will-MD)

** Thunder Chicken Radio

4/7, 2201-0001*, 6935usb. Often faint and unusable, but SSTV images were better than I expected. Long guitar sets, some waterfall images, and four SSTV, all in Martin 2. Closed with a spoken ID. 2800 Hz. (25342, Hunsicker, PA)

4/7, 2334, 6935usb. On Barrington Hills IL sdr with fair S7 to S9+10 signal, instrumental rock music, then ID as Thunder Chicken Radio then apparently off. (Hassig-IL)

** Two Dog Radio (Thunder Chicken Radio relay)

4/9, 0203, 4185usb. On Brookfield WI sdr with S9 to S9+20 signal, old rock tunes by Led Zeppelin and Aerosmith. (Hassig-IL)

** Undercover Radio

4/8, 0217-0320*, 6935usb. Carrier appeared at 0217. 35 dB above the noise and 8000 Hz. A “Very special 20th Anniversary Broadcast.” The operator told the story of his journey in Pirate Radio, including blowing up his first transmitter. Other stories continue until sign-off. Email address provided. (45444, Hunsicker, PA)

** Unid

4/7, 2226-0021, 6930usb. Program in progress with an SSTV image that did not trigger MMSSTV. I think that the BC ended at 0021 but QAM or a data stream came up immediately. Seemed to be sending album cover images. Mostly, the audio was unusable and most of the, at least, 26 SSTV images were also unusable. No SSTV image was better than “Poor.” (25342, at best, Hunsicker, PA)

4/10, 0005, 6925.Only pirate besides 6915 Crapola is very weak signal here. HFU reports of Damn Skippy on USB, mostly before 0000: [www.hfunderground.com] (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

4/13, 0006-0025*, 6925usb. Program in progress. OM spoke twice but with no ID. CCR music. Opened and closed with Born on the Bayou. (45454, Hunsicker, PA)

** WBNY (Cloud Splitter Radio relay)

4/7, 2330-0013*, 6920usb. BC began with a bit of Kung Fu Fighter and then unrelated audio clips. Commander Bunny chatted and then a promo for WBNY. The WBNY Easter show. Discussion of why eggs, bunnies, and Easter are related. Revelation that St. Peter was a rabbit. Also, shopping at the mall with Al Fansome. A revealing interview of Jesus. Announcement that the program was a production of the Bunny News Network. 37 dB above the noise at 2800 Hz. (45454, Hunsicker, PA)

4/7, 2345, 6920usb. WBNY relay by Cloud Splitter Radio on both Barrington Hills IL sdr and Traverse City MI sdr with weak noisy signals, two men arguing one with high voice, per other posters this is a Commander Bunny skit, at 2352 song: "here comes Peter Cottontail", BTW will he be running for president next year like he did 20 years ago? (Hassig-IL)


4/9, 0121, 6950usb. On Brookfield WI sdr with good S9 to S9+20 wideband signal, I'm using IQ setting on the sdr for good fidelity, soft rock tune playing, song: "Suzie Q" by CCR, at 0134 read names of people on HFU including me, at 0159 SSTV/FAX. (Hassig-IL)

** WEED (NAPRS relay)

4/13, 0107-0159*, 6935am. Program in progress. Muddled audio (under-modulated?) made most of the program—spoken and music unusable. There was a clear ID for WEED at 0154 and, immediately following for NAPRS. SSTV in Scottie DX. (35451, Hunsicker, PA)


4/8, 0042-0119*, 6935usb. BC began at 0042 with rock music. Frequent IDs, including SSTV at 0102, 0109, and again at 0109. The operator observes that WMPQ has a sense of humor. Often a bit better than “just usable,” but also “unusable” at times. 2800 Hz seemed to fit. (25342, Hunsicker, PA)

** Wolverine Radio

4/9, 0022, 6950usb. On Brookfield WI sdr with S9 to S9+20 signal, after finally fixing audio troubles program started with old 78 rpm records, good wideband signal, I'm using IQ setting on sdr and getting good fidelity, at 0032 old Hank Williams tune, at 0035 swing tune "black diamond", at 0045 song: "searching for a heart of gold", variety of tunes with gold or gems in them, at 0112 echo ID then SSTV/FAX. Thanks for the nice program. (Hassig-IL)

** Yeah Man Radio

4/7, 2330-2357*, 6925usb. Program in progress on a Million Dollar Weekend. Old rock. Nice show. (25453, Hunsicker, PA)


4/14, 0335, 7475am. S5/S8 of JBM Josiah on Station YHWH, the anti-Christ pirate. Walt Salmaniw, Rick Barton and others catch him almost every night at times varying around this (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

== South American shortwave ==

** Organización Radial El Prado

4/11, 0044, 6016.685. Spanish pop music with distortion and breakups, S8/9+10 into Bonaire SDR. Tnx to tip from Lucas Bandura, BC in the WOR iog at 2318 April 10: ``Organización Radial El Prado 6016.68 kHz --- The Colombian pirate is back on the air; it had been over a month since I last heard this station. Listening on the Bonaire KiwiSDR, S9. At tune in 2248 UT, there was little or no modulation. At 2304 some buzzing and the modulation started. The music is very distorted and is cutting in and out. The op spoke briefly at 2317 with lots of feedback.`` At 0125 I get it direct on 6016.685, but only a JBA carrier (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

== European shortwave ==

** Radio Boomerang

4/8, 1908-1932, 6233sm. Program of variety of music but problems with the transmitter kept cutting in and out of the audio, finally gone at 1932 hours. The operator indicated that this was a test transmission. Heard via KIWI SDR in Greece. (454 – Kusalik, Alberta Canada)

** Radio Voyager

4/8, 1458-1548, 6940am. A variety of music, with IDs for Radio Voyager and e-mail addresses aired. Hrd via various sites from KWI SDR in Germany, France, and Czech Republic. (4,5,4/3 -Kusalik, Alberta, Canada)

** Zeppelin Radio

4/8, 1808-1908, 6289.9am. Great program of music from the 70’s to the 80’s. No ID was heard but FRW posted that it was them. Heard via Zanta Greece KIWI SDR Site (353 – Kusalik Alberta Canada)

== QSL ==

** Blue Moon Radio (UK)

6206am, Blue Moon Radio E-QSL with full data and cover letter. Power 40 watts into a dipole. Reply from bluemoonradio188@gmail.com (Edward Kusalik-Alberta, Canada)

** Radio Antares (Brazil)

7400am, Radio Antares located in the State Belem do Para. Rec’d E-QSL with full data. Power as 250 watts into a ½ wave dipole. Reply in 46 days from antaresradioradiobrazil@gmail.com This was a follow-up sent in 7 days via email verification statement. v/s: Wladimir Pereira Camara (Edward Kusalik-Alberta, Canada)

** Radio Continental AM (Brazil)

7585am, Radio Continental AM in the State of Bahia. Rec’ed within hours “Thank you for your Listener’s Report” via Whatsapp at 55 779 99004-0483. Station runs 250 watts of power. (Edward Kusalik-Alberta, Canada)

** Radio Vostochnaya Zvezda

7320am, Radio Vostochnaya Zvezda E-QSL from the operator, who is also behind the Radio Pusha (also verified). Indicated that he is running about m15-20 watts of carrier power and hopes to increase this. Hrd in this station in Alberta via Sundrie KIWI SDR. Replied in 12 hours after posting my report too: 87.7fmradiopushka@gmail.com (Edward Kusalik-Alberta, Canada)


Regards, Lw
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Free Radio Weekly #1412

cosmikdebris 172 April 14, 2023 07:05PM

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