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Kookwatch July 18, 2020

July 17, 2020 02:44PM
July 18, 2020
An occasional distillation of radio logs

7/5, 1745, 90.3fm, Unid station encountered during a wild E-skip opening on FM (stations from Florida's space coast, Texas and Kansas were all coming in). Advertisement for health care for Christians called Medishare, and reference to "truth itself dot com." Hint: Any company or program with the word "truth" in their name is almost certainly not truthful.

7/5, 1832, 9475am, WTWW. This station came on air as early as 1453 with the award winning Open Carrier Dead Air format, and remained so at least past 1622. However, by 1832 someone apparently woke up at the station and put on "Scriptures for Amerikkka," hosted by long dead venomous racist Pastor Pete Peters. Low modulation, 42 dBu signal.

7/7, 1323, 7490am, WWCR. Host going on and on and on saying that masks do no good for preventing COVID-19 transmission but instead make people susceptible to all kinds of health issues in and among themselves. This presentation technique is known as a Gish Gallop, named for creationist Duane Gish, and defined as "a fallacious debate tactic of drowning your opponent in a flood of individually-weak arguments in order to prevent rebuttal of the whole argument collection without great effort."

7/8, 1337, 7490am. WWCR. Alternative medicine woo program with hosts shilling all kinds of fake medicine for sale.

7/8, 1345, 7570am, WRMI. "Supreme Master TV" bizarro cult spends several minutes every hour, it seems, telling listeners how to receive their programming via dozens and dozens of internet, radio, cable, satellite, extraterrestrial, and galactic sources.

7/9, 1255, 1140am, WRVA Richmond VA. Commercial for "guy friendly diamond shopping" followed by a commercial for testosterone supplements "if you're not performing the way you like." See how these things go together for WRVA's target audience of impotent, horny men?

7/9, 1328, 7490am, WWCR. More mask denial, fear mongering commercial citing "global system collapse" and how you need to prepare and buy our prepper junk, and spots for some kind of supplement called "heart drops." Parallel 13845am. At 1343, hosts rambling on with more ridiculous pseudoscience about COVID-19.

7/10, 1335, 570am, WWRC Washington. Mike Gallagher shilling for Mike Lindell and "My Pillow," whining that "they" are going after him because he advertises on Fox News. As if Lindell needs any more advertisement; his spammy commercials for his linen products and "how I found trump and made a gazillion dollars" book seem to be everywhere.

7/10, 1404, 9330am, WBCQ. Ono! Earthquakes are God's early warning system, claims World's Last Chance hosts, who then try to rationalize this with a heaping load of junk pesudoscience. Did they borrow this load of tripe from Rod Hembree?

7/11, 1341, 630am, WSBN Washington DC. Off the air all day. Ono! No sports talk. They must have burned themselves out babbling for several days about what the Washington Redskins new name is going to be.

7/11, 1353, 7730am, WRMI. Uncommon frequency here from WRMI, sadly filled with Brother Scare, parallel 7780.

7/11, 1355, 90.5fm, WCRH Williamsport MD. Extremely violent audio drama, sounds like something from the Old Testament but nothing I recognize. Program IDs as "Escape from Eagle's Nest" from Lamplighter Publishing. Apparently this is a story about some war that happened in Afghanistan in the nineteenth century. Odd stuff from this local Christian broadcaster. Also on parallel 91.1 W216CM Frederick MD.

7/11, 1420, 1310am, WBFD Bedford PA. Rush Limbag shilling for designer sheets, "only a hundred and sixty dollars!"

7/11, 1436, 7490am, WWCR. "Remnants Ministry" with lots of conspiracy theories.

7/11, 1729, 1380am, WLIN Waynesboro PA. ID, "WLIN 1380 W265DU 100.9 news and sports from the Mason/Dixon line" into far right wing syndicated blather from Ben Shapiro.

7/11, 1753, 7258lsb. W8RUE swears that the best fried chicken is cooked in lard!

7/12, 1418, 9955am, WRMI. Terry Blalock the screaming preacher in fine form. Despite a fine signal, it was hard to tell what scripture he was screaming about.

7/12, 1425, 7490am, WWCR. New York City bashing. WAKE UP! Gay bashing. WAKE UP! Old buzzard ranting about Billy Graham ministries and doing incoherent bibling.

7/12, 1431, 9930am, WBCQ. They're on about the freaking calendar again; the "corrupt bishops of Rome" are responsible for this and it's BAD! The true looney solar calendar is GOOD!

7/12, 1435, 7490am, WBCQ. Creepy robot reading news about COVID-19 unrest for several minutes; Brother Scare interrupts the robot in mid-sentence to prattle on about how all this is fulfilling the scriptures. Parallel 7780, 9395, 9980, 9455.

7/13, 1356, 680am, WCBM Baltimore MD. Conspiracy theories, the Democrats are going to rename themselves the "democratic socialist party" and take over the country, Fox TV is going away, big tech is all socialists, etc. Break into a commercial for penis pills.

7/13, 1358, 1220, WFAX Falls Church VA. The biblical Daniel "met those people from another dimension" and more weird supernatural religious apologetics. Commenting about a middle ages-era painting of Adam and Eve, "Eve hadn't even gotten her breast implants yet." Commercial for "Born To Win Christian Educational Ministries" in Whitehouse, Texas.

7/13, 1457, 13845am, WWCR. Brother Scare says that Saudi Arabia and Turkey are ganging up on Syria and Russia and a big war's imminent, "scripture will be fulfilled." WWCR fade-over ID at 1500, then B.S. cuts to Korea/Trump conjecture referencing deep state, Pompeo and false flag conspiracy theories.

7/13, 1606, 7490am, WBCQ. Brother Scare has returned to one of his favorite locations, preaching from inside a beer can, with very poor audio quality.

7/13, 1856, 780am, WAVA Washington DC. Caller to Sebastian Gorka says that "a vote for Trump is a vote for Christianity." I didn't know Christianity was on the ballot.

7/13, 1859, 890am, WFKJ Cashtown PA. Hosts "Aunt Sara" and "Uncle Dan" shilling for money ("gifts") to your story hour dot org.

7/14, 0031, 4840am, WWCR. "I am not a conspiracy theorist, I am a conspiracy analyst." Thus begins yet another conspiracy theorist show with right wing talk, unrest funded by world wide communists and the new world order, "satanic globalist totalitarian socialist one world government," etc. Mentions what sounds line "autoburn" radio network, "truth" something network. Hint: Any company or program with the word "truth" in their name is almost certainly not truthful.

7/14, 1330, 7490am, WWCR. Host says that higher education is good for STEM but everything else is "radical leftism." Go to a Christian school instead, like our guest here who is shilling for Liberty University.

7/14, 1342, 7780am, WRMI. Caller to Brother Scare's hot line is paranoid that "they" are going to give him the RFID chip before he can get health care, followed by talk by a robot reading extreme conspiracy theory bullshit.

7/14, 1430, 890am, WFKJ Cashtown PA. God is ascendant! Now call our toll free number and buy our stuff. Commercial for "oasis radio network" and legal ID for "WFKJ working for King Jesus."

7/15, 1425, 580am, WHP Harrisburg PA. Glenn Beck says that a single incident in Minnesota kicked off a well planned effort by "them" to make the Washington Redskins change their name.

7/15, 1440, 9330am. WBCQ. World's Last Chance hosts discuss why they think infant baptism is an abomination and is very bad because it isn't in the Bible.

7/15, 1456, 21525am, WRMI. Discussion about "antichrist US government agents from Rome." Host says "I'm here to tell you the truth!" and introduces himself as Tony Alamo from Alamo Ministries, the long dead cult leader and convicted child sexual abuser. ID at 1500, Radio Africa Network 21525 WRMI pan am dc dot com. They should be ashamed of themselves for putting on such awful programming.

7/16, 1336, 7490am, WWCR. Woo supplement shilling; talker touting the benefits of some kind of health supplement containing, among other things, garlic powder, hawthorne berries, motherwort, cayenne pepper "and boy does it work!" For good measure, he throws in a plug for "heart drops." Parallel 13845.

7/17, 1022, 4840am, WWCR. Brother Scare polluting the airwaves and propping up multiple shortwave stations, on this channel as well as 5890, 7570, 7780, 9455, and 9980. At 1107, the tortured sounds of the B.S. congregation, also known as the Moan and Groan Hour, in progress.

7/17, 1030, 5935am, WWCR. Rev. Barbie droning on and on about some kind of religion-related topic. Difficult to understand what the hell she's talking about, as it doesn't seem to be related to anything in the Bible.

7/17, 1048, 570am, WWRC Washington DC. "Lou Dobbs financial report" uses slur "China virus" a couple of times in his "news" report, into a commercial for "Salem Surround," a marketing scheme targeting far right wing evangelicals.

7/17, 1155, 97.9fm, WBSX Hazleton PA. Our local 97.9, Baltimore's "98 Rock," is unusually piss weak and appears to be on their auxiliary transmitter today, enabling this first time reception of "97-9 X Rocks WBSX" here. Unfortunately this is another heartless, soulless iHeart station and their top-of-the-hour commercial block includes a lot of junk commercials including timeshare dumping and spot for a male enhancement testosterone product called "nugenix," which sounds like "eugenics" on the radio. Yipe!

7/17, 1239, 7490am, WWCR. Crazy person on the phone talking vaccine conspiracy theories, "you have to earn your social credit" conspiracy theories, "ebola pig virus at wal-mart" conspiracy theories, "covid pig bioweapon" conspiracy theories, Rockefeller document and depopulation conspiracy theories, and 5G conspiracy theories. He also spreads lies and falsehoods about the Bubonic plague in the middle ages and related Jewish conspiracy theory, and says Bill Gates is a "people hating eugenicist" who wants to "kill seven billion people." "But wait, God's not gonna leave us defenseless! Buy nano-silver!" And then he starts a long sales pitch for Colloidal silver products. He doesn't say that drinking a lot of that silver crap will turn you into a Smurf (i.e., the condition known as argyria, a permanent blue-grey discoloration of the skin).


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/17/2020 03:04PM by cosmikdebris.
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Kookwatch July 18, 2020

cosmikdebris 804 July 17, 2020 02:44PM

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